Chances are... NO.
Many images you find online are copyrighted and it is not only illegal to use them for your project but immoral on our part to use them.
We do not allow the use of copyrighted material in our work and will turn down any projects that require us to do so.
Any designer that allows you to do so is putting you and themselves at risk.
There are ways to search Google for images that you can use.
This is done by using using the Search Tools.
Go to
- Search Tools
- Usage Rights
There you will find various options.
We advise that users selecting images, even those 'Labeled For ReUse with Modification' should double check that they have the right to use these images.
Creatability will not be held responsible for the use of non-licensed images.
Many stock image libraries now have an option to search using an image. So you could download the image you are interested from from Google then use it to search in the various stock libraries to see if it is available to use or purchase. They also show similar images so you might still find an image to use.